Monday, 28 September 2015

Facebook Down! Page Unavailable. Facebook Outage Sep 2015

If you try to access the Facebook website you get the message:

This web page is not available

Unusually it also appears that the Facebook app is not available either, in the past either the website or mobile has been unavailable but not both at the same time.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Cahoot Non 0844 Phone Number

Cahoot online bank publish their 0844 phone number on all their literature and emails but this costs a fortune from mobile phones as it's not included in inclusive minutes and attracts a premium cost to phone.

Cahoot seem to hide their non 0844 number and make it very hard to avoid these phone charges but it is hidden away on the cahoot website. The overseas non 0844 phone number to call cahoot is:


If you are outside the UK the number to dial is 0044 1908 937222