Tuesday 20 December 2016

Company Investigations Inquiry Notice Email Scam

Latest scam/virus email from Investigations Enforcement services mail@localmail.com which is probably a spoofed email address. If you're asking if an titled Company Investigations Inquiry Notice is real or fake then we can confirm it is a fake, scam email. As usual the advice is to just delete the email, it is a scam to get you to click on the link which will download infected software to your PC.

Company Investigations Inquiry Notice Email Scam
Company Investigations Inquiry Notice Email Scam

Email details below:

Company Investigations Inquiry Notice

We have received a complaint about your company which suggests corporate misconduct.

This may involve:

  • Causing significant harm to customers, suppliers, etc.
  • Breaking the law, e.g. double-dealing
  • Serious misbehavior, e.g. company assets have not been used properly
  • Having a notable impropriety in its affairs.

As part of this procedure we have made our own background fieldwork and if it happens to be in the public interest, we can apply to the court to wind up the company and stop it trading.

Your Inquiry Number: 33IFMP344

Also if the conduct of the director(s) who run the company is questionable enough, we can commence proceedings to disqualify them from managing a limited company for a period up to 15 years.
The investigation may give us details that we can pass to another regulatory body that has more appropriate powers to deal with any concerns the investigation uncovers.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) Speeding Ticket by Email Fake or Real?

If you have received a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) Speeding Ticket by Email and are wondering if it is fake or real then think about these points.
In the UK Police do not send speeding tickets (Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP)) by email. The notice has to be sent by post within 14 days to the registered keeper, there is no option to email.
  • Does the email claiming to be a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) show the vehicle registration?
  • Does the email claiming to be a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) show the Registered Keeper Name?
The answer to both these questions is likely to be no as the emails are sent at random and the spammers have no idea who they have been sent to.

A Notice of Intended Prosecution has to be linked to a vehicle and a Registered Keeper so these emails can be deleted as spam.

If you have clicked the link on the email then I'd recommend using a virus scanner on your PC as you are likely to have infected your machine with a virus or Trojan.
Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) real or fake
Fake Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) Email

Thursday 8 December 2016

Manchester Police Speeding NIP Email Scam Virus - Notice of Intended Prosecution

The latest email virus scam/spam purports to be from Greater Manchester Police and to be a speeding ticket titled Notice of Intended Prosecution - M24181

There is a link in the email to view the photo which will be a virus that infects your machine if you click the link. Opening the email itself should not harm your machine but you should delete the email.

Remember: UK Police DO NOT send speeding tickets known as Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) by email. The email also has no vehicle details included despite claiming to have detailed information about the location of the alleged offence.


Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) Information
Greater Manchester Police
In accordance with Section 1 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988. we hereby inform you that it is mandatory to take proceedings against the driver of motor vehicle.
Details of the Violation
·         Time & Date: at 18:56 on 30/11/2016
·         Fixed Speed Camera UIN: 1WJT2
·         Location: A560 Hyde Road, near Wyecroft Close, Stockport
·         Violation: EXCEED 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT
·         Vehicle Speed: 85
We have photographic data that the driver of motor vehicle failed to comply with a speed limit at the date, time and location.
You have been announced as driver of the vehicle at the time of the supposed offence and have a legal obligation to comply with the provisions of the notice.
Check The Photographic Proof
Whether you agree with the NIP or not you have to fill out the section 172 notice declaring who was driving the car at the time of the offence within 28 days. The NIP with the section 172 notice were sent to your mailing address

  • Time & Date: at 19:17 on 30/11/2016
  • Speeding Device ID: 6QDI5
  • Location: A664 Rochdale Road, near Queens Park (inbound), Manchester
  • Vehicle Speed: 80

Friday 25 November 2016

Oracle Apex Admin Password Locked - How to Unlock/Reset Apex User Account

If you get the message that your Oracle Apex account is locked because the password has been entered incorrectly then you have a number of ways to unlock and reset the account password.

Oracle Apex admin account locked
Oracle Apex admin account locked
If you know the email address that was registered to the Apex workspace then you can click the link below the Sign In button.

How to Unlock/Reset Apex User Account
How to Unlock/Reset Apex User Account
Unfortunately this option doesn't always work and might not be relevant if you know the password for the account and just need to remove the "locked" flag against the account.

If you have access to the underlying tables as SYS or other suitable Oracle user then find the appropriate Apex schema (APEX_050000 for Apex 5) and look for table WWV_FLOW_FND_USER.

Oracle apex WWV_FLOW_FND_USER reset account
Oracle apex WWV_FLOW_FND_USER reset account

If you use a tool such as TOAD or SQL Developer then you can navigate to the columns ACCOUNT_LOCKED, FAILED_ACCESS_ATTEMPTS and update the values so that the account is no longer locked and can be used for normal login.

Set the value in these columns:


As long as you know the correct password for the workspace you will then be able to login as normal to the Apex admin screens.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Met Police Crime Prevention Advice - Scam Phishing Email

Beware of new email titled Crime Prevention Advice which contains a malware attachment that will infect your PC with a key logger

Received from the fake email address crime@content.met.police.uk and containing the subject line ‘Crime Prevention Advice’, the email asks readers to open the attached file to learn more.

Intelligence suggests that if the attachment is opened, iSpy key logger malware is downloaded onto the host device. The malware has the potential to capture keystrokes, steal passwords stored in web browsers among other malicious activities.

Other phishing emails to watch out for include:
• those from a ‘delivery company’ about an expected order which is delayed or held at the depot
• a bogus order tricking you to confirm or cancel it
• a fake ‘invoice’ attached for a recent order
• warnings or advice from the Police such as our example

Crime Prevention Advice Scam Email
Crime Prevention Advice Scam Email

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Data Security & Patching - Advice for Dictators

With all the news about the Panama Papers I thought this article was an interesting take on data security and how not to do it, all from the viewpoint of a dictator trying to stash their millions. For the rest of us there are still some useful lessons about how to keep our data secure and away from hackers.


The bottom line is patch, patch and patch again. Make sure you always keep your software up to date with the latest patches and install updates when there are any security alerts. For most of us all might happen is that someone could have access to our data or hack your email/social media but potentially you could lose money from fraud on your bank account or lose important personal data like photos if your phone or PC is at risk from unpatched security flaws.
If your PC or phone prompts to install new security updates then it's always worth making sure you take the time to apply them. From an IT perspective it may be a pain when systems need to be taken down to apply updates but there is good reason for keeping software fully patched as this shows!

Thursday 10 March 2016

Say No to 0870 Website Infected by Trojan Virus?

As of 10 March 2016 it appears that the Say No to 0870 website is infected with a Trojan virus according to McAfee. The website is a really useful tool for avoiding high call charges and getting local rate numbers to contact businesses so it's a prime target for hackers as it is so widely used.

If you've visited the SayNoTo0870.com website recently we'd strongly recommend running a full virus check or using software like MalwareBytes to check your computer.

Say No to 0870 website is infected with a Trojan virus
Say No to 0870 website is infected with a Trojan virus

Friday 5 February 2016

Email from BP Fuel Card E-bill 0200442 for Account B216552 31/01/2016

Latest spam/scam email from Fuel Card Services <adminbur@fuelcardgroup.com>

Unlike most virus emails this one has an attachment called warning.txt so not a Word macro virus. I wonder whether the virus writer made an error with their programming so the attachment wasn't correct.

The details of the email are below:

Please note that this message was sent from an unmonitored mailbox which is unable to accept replies. If you reply to this e-mail your request will not be actioned. If you require copy invoices, copy statements, card ordering or card stopping please e-mail support@fuelcardservices.com quoting your account number which can be found in the e-mail below. If your query is sales related please e-mail info@fuelcardservices.com.
Sent: Thu, 04 Feb 2016 16:54:57 +0300
Subject: BP Fuel Card E-bill 0200442 for Account B216552 31/01/2016
Account: B216552
Please find your e-bill 0200442 for 31/01/2016 attached.
To manage you account online please click http://eservices.fuelcardservices.com
If you would like to order more fuel cards please click http://www.fuelcard-group.com/cardorder/bp-burnley.pdf
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Cards Admin.
Fuel Card Services Ltd
T 01282 410704
F 0844 870 9837

Thursday 21 January 2016

Plan4print Letter Attached with Virus Trojan Email from Tim Speed

Latest virus being sent via Email pretends to come from Tim Speed at plan4print.co.uk. Again this is a faked email that has not come from Tim Speed. The Word document doc file attached contains a macro virus that will infect your computer so you shouldn't open it.

Tim Speed and Plan4print will have no knowledge of this email so you will only cause further problems by sending emails back to them. Other innocent companies affected in a similar way have received over a million email replies thus overloading their systems.

As always use a virus scanner and check your PC using software such as Malwarebytes from time to time.

Plan4print Letter Virus Email Tim Speed
Plan4print Letter Virus Email Tim Speed

Attachment 120205 Letter-response A3 2-2.doc

Please find estimate attached for Letter-response A3 2-2
Kind regards   
Tim Speed
Estimator / Account Handler

Tel: 0115 944 3377 Ext 104

Wednesday 20 January 2016

O2 Business Contracts Lease Spam Virus Email - Your Device is on its way

If you receive an email supposedly from O2 Business Contracts titled "Your device is on its way" with a Word attachment CCACOnfirmedAgreement then don't open it as it's a Trojan virus that will try to install and steal passwords and banking details.

The email has NOT come from O2 so they have no knowledge of it and their systems have not been compromised. A virus scammer has just created an email spoofing the O2 email address  which isn't something that they can stop.

O2 Business Contracts Lease Spam Virus Email - Your Device is on its way
O2 Business Contracts Lease Spam Virus Email - Your Device is on its way

Email details as below:

O2 Lease <O2BusinessContracts@o2.com>
Your device is on its way


Great news, you've accepted the O2 Lease terms and conditions and the hire agreement.

We've put your order through. So we'll be sending your new device out in the next few days.
Best regards
O2 Customer Service

Friday 15 January 2016

Drayton Manor Hotel Reservation 79501 - EMail Virus Spam

The latest email spam/virus appears to have been sent from Drayton Manor Hotel (Harry Ashbolt in Reservations) but this email address is faked and the email has nothing to do with them.

You do not need to contact Drayton Manor Hotel as the email was not sent by them.

The email contains an Excel attachment claiming to be a Reservation Confirmation number 79501. It is not a reservation and contains a virus that will try to steal your banking passwords. Just delete the email without opening.

If you have opened the email I'd strongly recommend that you scan your PC with a good free virus scanner such as AVG as well as MalwareBytes software which can clean Trojans and viruses from your computer.

If you have opened the email on a phone or Mac computer then you should be safe as the virus only infects Windows PCs.

Drayton Manor Hotel Reservation 79501 - EMail Virus Spam
Drayton Manor Hotel Reservation 79501 - EMail Virus Spam

Monday 11 January 2016

Whos On Heart Name the Voices Competition 2016 - Win £100,000

The Whos on Heart competition has returned for another year. These are the 3 voices that you need to identify to win the massive cash prize this year.

Hear the previous year's Whos On Heart voices below. The other voices from Whos on Heart 2014 were Stevie Nicks and Ben Miller

Whos = Ben Miller
On = Stevie Nicks
Heart = Nigel Kennedy